Charles Darwin University
Capturing the inherent beauty of fluid in motion. At one moment a seemingly random coalescence of liquid then challenges us to see the form of an image. (NB this paragraph was nicked verbatim from a first year Fine Art students portfolio statement. But doesn't it summarise nicely the evocative notion of the fragility of life in all its Jungian glory).
In the minds eye
Yukfoo collaborated with the immensely talented Octavio de Lellis and his team from on this ambitous project.
It's an unwritten rule that soon as someone mentions liquid in the context of animation you'll need to pull on your big boy pants and take a deep breath. Which we did. Below you can view the results of our labours and see a selection of the art that was produced for this three part campaign - from early concept design to behind the scene fluid simulation tests.
Thanks go to the team at Charles Darwin University in the NT and their advertising agency Leap Agency in Melbourne for going with a truly bold and challenging idea (they also have a wardrobe of big boy pants).
There were plenty of challenges to overcome both artistically and technically. The key thing was to get the balance of the imagery just right, given the campaign is about encouraging vocational students to realise they, as individuals, can have valuable insight by looking at things a little differently. As the voice suggests "some people see things others don't". There was plently of debate and collaboration on the what images should represent each discipline (whether it be creative arts, nursing or child care and community). The animation is designed to challenge the viewer but also inspire them by speaking to their creative minds. We suggest that problems can be solved with creative thinking no matter what your vocational choice.
Technically we used several tools to accomplish the final animation. Our designers and director worked closely with the people at (lead by Octavio de Lellis) the hardest part was judging how the 2D sketches and designs would eventually turn out as liquid moving 3D scupltures and how we needed to approach the modelling in turn to get the results we were after. Fluid generally doesn't conform to a perfect shape so the modelling had to allow for this and we had to test and iterate accordingly.