AD Sports TV - Directors Cut

Top athletes performing in the streets with the iconic buildings of night-time Abu Dhabi as the backdrop. Their surrounding transform into their respective playing fields.

agency: Abu Dhabi Media

director: Anders Schroder

TV Idents

Being fascinated by the HDR look typically associated with commercial sports photography, Anders suggested to re-create this look BUT in live action.  He wanted to achieve a look that was almost synthetic and videogame-like with extreme angles and razor sharp infinite focus but all achieved in-camera. A look that would be synonymous with high performance rather than the performers themselves.
The technique is based on the idea of shooting with multiple exposures and then combine them in post. Furthermore, Anders wanted to shoot high-speed with zero motion blur and considering this was a night shoot which added tremendously to the difficulty.

Related Tags

live action
post production
broadcast design package
Anders Schroder

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